Friday, January 1, 2010

Finally home - from 12/29/09

I can't even begin to explain how relived I am to finally be home.

The end of the year always seems difficult for me, but this year (2009) seemed worse than normal. Our funds are running low, we did some home maintenance and unfortunately a lot of travelling this year (2009). I'm not sure if 2010 is going to be any kinder to us, my husband is already going to be gone for half of January. So we are going to try and budget our spending, we would like to take Jasmine to Disneyland, Sea World and the San Diego Zoo after Labour Day, which is about two weeks after her birthday.

Plus there is a Korean school in Sparks that I would like to enroll Jasmine in. It is $100 for the first 3-4 months, and then after summer break it is $80. I know that is a lot of money, but my mom didn't start me in Korean school until I was 14 and it was really embarrassing sitting with a bunch of preschoolers going over the same work every week. I didn't learn anything. And since I'm not fluent in Korean myself, and my pronunciation is atrocious I can't teach Jasmine myself.

But, I know the things we have to worry about are minor, I just wished we didn't have to worry about them at all.

I also don't know where I want to go with Jasmine's homeschooling, she knows most of her ABCs, she has a little trouble with "i", "j", "m", and "n" but for the most part has everything down. She has mastered 1-13 and is working on 14-20. She knows her colors and shapes. So, I don't know if I want to continue with Letter of the Week. We haven't even gotten very far on it, just to letter "E." So I might find some harder things. Maybe we'll work on muscle control for writing, she is getting better, but still kind of wild with a crayon.


Dianna Jo said...

Hope things get easier:)
I just wanted to add that I found myself in the same position, knew all the letters and sounds and just needing to work on fine tuning the printing aspect. We were doing LOTW as well, and made it to Hh and she already knew the sounds, we stopped LOTW and just focused on math and printing, now, Monday, we will be starting unit studies beginning with "all about me!' I am very excited to start this new direction! Good luck with what you decide!!!

Crescent Moon said...

When I was working in daycares, it was recommended that children do lots of painting as a way of preparing the hand and wrist muscles for writing. They don't even have to do real painting. Being given a bucket of water and a wide brush and being told they could "paint" the house was considered just as good as painting pictures.

Thank you very much for the links you gave me! It's very funny really, because it's only been a few days since DH pointed out that he's never received a gift of pasta art. I think that sewing tutorial is perfect for Ula, too.

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