Thursday, March 18, 2010


I realized that I haven't written in a while what is going on here. Jasmine and I have both been sick on and off for a while, so we really haven't gotten much done.

I'm sorry if anyone got caught up in the spam one of the widgets I added to the page was spewing. If you have a blogger blog don't add the random word of the day in several foreign languages widget.

We went to Alabama for a weekend to attend a wedding. I would not recommend the Birmingham Zoo, almost all of the information on their website is incorrect. And after we complained to the supervisor/manager (even explaining that we were not local) all we were offered were free tickets, even after repeatedly saying that we didn't live in the area (but they are good for a year!) grr.

Today was the last day of Faith Co-op for the semester. I may get roped in (okay, I volunteered) to teach a journalism class next semester, and maybe a sewing/craft class. It could be fun, but nerve wrecking. I haven't had anything to do with journalism in over six years.

I have been working more and more to get Jasmine to write. We have done some painting at Crescent Moon's suggestion. I also found these...

at our local education store, It's Educational. The pencil is a little too big for Jasmine's hand, but she already has the idea of how to hold it. I picked it out for Jasmine because both my husband and I hold our pencils incorrectly. I probably spent kindergarten to 5th or 6th grade with teachers trying to correct my grip, but it never worked out.

What we are currently reading:
Jasmine's selection: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum

I am reading this to Jasmine at night. A friend of mine is a huge Oz fan, so we are planning to dress up as the witches and have the kids dress up as characters, I'll probably do movie Dorothy for Jasmine as I don't think most people know that the shoes are supposed to be silver.

My selection: The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan

I am rereading the Percy Jackson series. We went and saw the movie on opening weekend. It was really good, Jasmine didn't like a few bits with the monsters, but she is 3 years-old, it would probably be fine with an older child.

1 comment:

jugglingpaynes said...

Teaching is always nerve-wracking for me. It's like any other kind of performing. I get stage fright, but once I'm "on" I'm fine. :o)

Thanks for the link, I'll check it out.

Peace and Laughter,

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