Sunday, September 13, 2009

Taking a small vacation

This week dance went better. I told the teacher about Jasmine's hypotonia, so the teacher understands why Jasmine can't hop (Jasmine only just learned how to jump in July.) I think the homeschool co-op's preschool has also helped Jasmine pay attention better and to follow directions better. Unfortunately we are leaving tomorrow, Monday, to visit family in Kentucky, so Jasmine will miss next week's ballet and preschool class. Hopefully, when we get back she will remember though and not have a disastrous week at ballet again.

I am going to take our Letter of the Week things with us, and hopefully (I use that word a lot) we will have finished week three by the time we get back and I'll have a new post for it.

What we are currently reading:
Jasmine's selection: Hippos go Berserk by Sandra Boynton

This is one of the few books that Jasmine will actually let me read to her. Her other books she will flip through the pages, but she wants to turn the pages, and normally in the wrong order, without any time for me to read the words.

My selection: What Happens in London by Julia Quinn

I don't normally read romance novels, but my husband left for Nashville, TN on the 10th and I have had trouble sleeping. Reading a chapter or two of a romance novel helps so down my brain so I can get to sleep more easily.

1 comment:

Crescent Moon said...

Oh, I love Sandra Boynton books! I think I can still recite The Going to Bed Book and Moo, Baa, La La La.

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