I asked some fellow homeschoolers, and did some searches to see how people organize their classrooms and supplies. I thought I would share what I've done for our stuff.
Starting on the left side of our dining area (we have an open floor plan for the kitchen/dining room/living room.)
Here is Jasmine's easel with her project
"Caterpillar C," from
No Time for Flashcards.

Here are the new days of the week and weather for our calendar.

I put them on the wall between our two windows to keep them out of the way and so Jasmine wouldn't mess them up.
Here is our right-side window. I added some Autumn leaves that I got from Michael's craft store for about $1.49 (I think, I'm not positive on the price,) they have little bits of gold glitter on them.

I ordered some Autumn/Halloween/Christmas crafts from
Oriental Trading Company so we will be adding to this window and maybe the left-side window. I maybe rearrange this window because Jasmine's easel sits in front of the left-side window, making it impossible to see the window.
I lowered Jasmine's Learning Poster so I could fit this number poster where she could reach it. For some reason Jasmine has decided to skip 3 and 8 in her counting, even though she previously counted 3, but never 8.

I got this five drawer unit from Wal-Mart. I wish one of the two bottom draws had been file folder size, that would have made it perfect.

In the bottom drawer I put our large packages of craft supplies, crinkle grass and multi-color feathers.

In the second large drawer I put our paint supplies and glue.

There should be some dot-to-dot paint dabbers, but they were on the easel to use on the caterpillar.
In the bottom small drawer I put all of our scrapes, paper and felt.

The middle small drawer holds my glue gun, glitter glue, paint wheel and paints that Jasmine isn't ready to use.

The top small drawer has triangle crayons, jumbo crayons and word strips that I use for Jasmine's Learning Poster.

Underneath that is two packages of pipe cleaners (one white and the other multi-colored,) glue gel pens, goggly eyes, more word strips and some cheap paint brushes.

I got this file folder crate from Wal-Mart.

It holds 26 pocket folders, in rainbow colors also from Wal-Mart, for Jasmine's Letter of the Week work.

I keep the print-outs and instructions on one side, and finished crafts on the other.

I also made seasonal folders.

Most of the crafts I ordered from Oriental Trading came in sets of 12. I figured we could do 6 this year and I will put the extras in the folders to save for next year. I also plan on making folders for holidays (e.g. Halloween) since I did get separate crafts for Autumn and Halloween, Winter and Christmas.